Pennsylvania Bus Law (Stopping Law)

Buses interrupt the normal flow of traffic to pick up and drop off passengers. When overly aggressive drivers try to dart around buses to continue with their commute, bus passengers are liable to get hurt. In order to protect bus passengers, especially students, teachers, parents, and school administrators, Pennsylvania law imposes certain duties on motorists driving near school buses. Continue reading to learn about PA’s school bus stopping law, including driver obligations and the penalties for violating the law. If you’ve been injured in a bus accident, or if your child was hurt while getting on or off a school bus, call a seasoned Chestnut Hill bus accident lawyer.
Requirements Imposed by the PA Bus Stopping Law
Motorists in Pennsylvania have several duties when driving near a school bus. These rules are meant to protect passengers embarking or disembarking from the bus. Drivers who violate these rules can face sanctions and may be liable in civil court for any injuries they cause to pedestrians in the process.
Driver duties imposed by the Bus Stopping Law include the following:
Drivers must stop when driving behind a school bus that has its red lights flashing and stop arm extended
Drivers must stop when they approach an intersection at which a school bus is stopped, whether they are on the same street or a cross street
Drivers must stop at least 10 feet away from the school bus
Drivers following or traveling alongside a bus must also stop until the red lights have stopped flashing, the stop arm is withdrawn, and all children have made it to safety. Drivers must not move until all children have reached a place of safety.
If the driver is on a road with a clearly defined median or physical barrier (grassy median, concrete barrier, guard rail, etc.), and the bus is on the opposite side of the road, the driver does not need to stop.
Penalties for Violating the Bus Stopping Law
Violating the Bus Stopping Law can lead to administrative penalties and fines. Drivers who violate the Bus Stopping Law can be punished with a $250 fine, five points on their driving record, and even license suspension for 60 days. If the driver hits one of the bus passengers, a violation of the Bus Stopping Law will be strong evidence of negligence demonstrating they were at fault and should be held liable for resulting damages.
Dedicated Legal Help After a Traffic Accident in Philadelphia
If you or someone you love has been injured in a bus crash, car crash, or other traffic accident in Pennsylvania, you need the help of a seasoned and effective bus accident attorney to get the damages you deserve. Benedum Law founding attorney Christine Benedum has dedicated her career to fighting for accident victims and knows how to get her clients the compensation they deserve from those at fault. Contact a zealous Philadelphia personal injury attorney at Benedum Law in Chestnut Hill for a free consultation on your case at 215-529-7848 (215-LAWSUIT).